The Animals Look Back on the Past Year at the Village!
Hazel Village News
Safe in their forest home with zero access to the human news, the Hazel Village friends reflect fondly on the old year. Here are some of their favorite moments from 2020:

Wake up!! Every year the Village band gathers to wake up their hibernating friend. Phoebe Fawn either conducts or plays the pan flute. She says it depends on the particular musical composition they have chosen.
This year on Wake Up Day, the animals put on a collection of Liberty of London clothing. It was full of bow ties, bonnets, and dresses galore!
Welcome, Gaspard Duck!

Look at this fancy gentleman! Gaspard Duck joined the village on February 13th. His ceremonial dickie was one of our favorite parts of his limited-edition suitcase.

Emma Rabbit, Penelope Rabbit, and Catalina Mouse sported Liberty of London ear linings for the Egg Day celebrations!
WORKWEAR (featuring Wee Bee Box)

In the early days of summer, the Hazel Village animals got dressed in their most dignified workwear to go about their daily tasks!
Welcome, Juniper Wolf!

In July, Juniper Wolf adventured to Hazel Village! You can read about her journey here. Juniper only spent about a month at the Village, but it was a most pleasant month indeed!
Rosie and Jules are introduced to Hazel Village!

These two dolly friends joined Ada, Charlie, Celia, Fern, Louise, Nell, and William. They even heard that they'll be getting a new friend in the next few months – how exciting!
Maeve and Orion Cat visit for a short stay!

These cat twins scurried into the Village. Gracie Cat was quite thrilled to introduce her cat cousins to the other Villagers. Fishing, hopping, dancing, and merriment ensued.
EMC x Hazel Village

For the holiday season, we partnered with our friends at Every Mother Counts to help raise money global maternal healthcare. Through our very special mini animal collection and a series of custom animal auctions, we raised more than $20,000!
Clover Horse Trotted to Hazel Village

A limited-edition friend from 2015, Clover Horse was quite pleased to rejoin the Village for a limited time this holiday.
The Icicle's First Twinkle!

To close off the year, we were most excited to introduce a shimmering line of twinkle gear for the annual Twinkle Ball. And with that, our year has come to a close. Have a warm and healthy new year, friends! Or as our woodland friends like to say "swallow a dry bean, that it may expand in your tummy like the potential for the new year!"