Every Thanksgiving week we donate 10% of our sales to an important cause in our community that will help our neighbors. Because our customers participate so generously during this busy week, we're able to share thousands of dollars with the organizations we choose. This year we are honored to donate to Every Mother Counts. Here’s what our founder Jane has to say about that:
We learned about Every Mother Counts from our friends at Solly - for the past two years we have collaborated with them on custom products that support EMC. But this year I’m expecting my first baby in February (!) and it really hit home for me.
I’m a white toymaker in Brooklyn and I get to go to these nice midwives who listen to me and give me all the routine tests, and I trust them to take good care of me and support my desires at the hospital when it’s time to have the baby. But this is not as normal as it should be! It’s bothered me so much lately to learn about Serena Williams’s scary experience having her baby, these workers in Tennessee who have to lift heavy boxes throughout their pregnancies, and these upsetting statistics about the effect of systemic racism on women’s pregnancies. And that’s just in the US!
Many women in other countries have it even worse; doing scary stuff like walking really far to the hospital while they’re in labor, and then the hospital can’t even help them. A lot of moms and babies die from complications that were totally preventable. So...EMC has many options of where to make grants; supporting prenatal and childbirth care for all women. We want to help them as much as we can.
We’re sending them 10% of all our sales from November 21st through November 27th, aka Giving Tuesday. If you shop with us during this window, thank you for your help!
Happy Thanksgiving, friends ❤️